IPNews® – Korg Inc., Yamaha Inc. and Diasonic Technology Co. came under assault in San Diego federal court Monday from a company based there alleging the musical instrument and equipment makers are violating its patent rights in a technology for using flash memory in recording devices.
The accused products include Yamaha’s Pocketrak CX, C24, W24 and 2G portable recorders; Korg’s MR-2 and SOS portable recorders, KAOSS Pads and Kaossilator samplers; and Diasonic’s DDR series of products, according to e.Digital Corp.’s series of complaints. Other companies targeted in the lawsuits include retailers Guitar Center Inc., Sam Ash Music Corp., Best Buy Co. J & R Electronics Inc., Sweetwater Sound Inc., Kraft Music Ltd. and Sec Tech Enterprises LLC. To continue reading, click: San Diego Tech Co. Sues Korg, Yamaha, Others For Recording Patent Infringement