Los Angeles – After much-publicized angry rants against the executive producers of the television show, “Two and a Half Men”, Charlie Sheen is looking to capitalize on his infamous ‘Sheenisms.’ The veteran actor has hired Intellectual Property attorneys to file trademark applications for 22 catchphrases including “Duh-Winning”, “Violent Torpedo of Truth”, ”Rock Star From Mars”, “Tiger Blood”, “Adonis DNA”, “Sheen’s Goddesses”, “I’m Not Bi-Polar, I’m Bi-Winning”, “Sober Valley Lodge”, “Warlock Lounge” and “Living the Sheen Dream”.
According to the United State Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website, the trademarks were filed between March 19-22 under the name Hyro-gliff Corporation for protection for various goods such as t-shirts, bras, energy drinks, games, cellular devices, and gambling machines. Apparently, Sheen is also attempting to trademark his own name and signature.
The so-called ‘Sheenisms’ were born in response to CBS executives side-lining the actor after they claimed that his bad behavior with drugs, alcohol, and women could compromise the integrity of the show. After being officially fired from the “Two and a Half Men” cast, Sheen filed a $100 million civil suit against Warner Brothers and the show’s producer, Chuck Lorre.
It is surprising that the Sheen camp waited nearly a month after entertaining us with the slogans to file for trademark protection. In our opinion, this definitely was not a “winning” strategy. Since the controversial interviews with Sheen and his goddesses aired in late February, we count 16 trademark applications that have been filed which include the words “Tiger Blood”. Even Jimmy Buffett got into the act with his own Tiger Blood trademark application for vodka. There are also two other recently filed ADONIS DNA trademark applications.
This will be a long process for Sheen to actually get each application to register because he will have to get past the prior filed applications and then also submit specimens of use showing that he is actually using each trademark in commerce. Does Sheen actually intend to use all of these trademarks on goods?