twitter.jpgIPNews® – Twitter has been on a tear recently filing a number of Trademark Applications to protect phrases associated with both its core business and also upcoming additions to the site.

Twitter is aiming to broaden its scope beyond text based tweets by submitting a number of Trademark Applications.  One major addition is Periscope which

twitter.jpgIPNews® – Twitpic, the service that helped Twitter users share images, has announced that it will be acquired by a buyer following the threat of a shutdown earlier this month.

Twitpic’s founder Noah Everett said he would rather quit than launch an unwinnable trademark battle against Twitter which had opposed his trademark application for Twitpic.

twitter.jpgIPNews® – Twitter took to its own account to tweet a message to its followers announcing the new and improved blue bird logo.

Although the changes may be unnoticeable to some, Twitter is positive that one day its logo will be among the most recognizable in the world.  The new bird, named Larry, is slightly

twitter.jpgLos Angeles – After a nearly three year battle, Twitter finally has exclusive rights to the Tweet trademark at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The problems began when Twittad, the largest advertising platform on Twitter, registered the “Let Your Ad Meet Tweets.” trademark first.  The judge ultimately agreed with Twitter’s argument that “tweet” was a word

twitter.jpgLos Angeles – Social blogging network Twitter has filed a trademark infringement complaint in a San Francisco district court against Twittad over the use of the trademark ‘tweet.’  Twittad is currently the largest advertising platform operating on Twitter. 

Twitter, the micro-blogging service that allows users to post messages called Tweets, has long been trying to register

bird-twitter.jpgLos Angeles – If there is one thing that Twitter does not seem to do well, it would be protecting its intellectual property rights.  Just recently, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) rejected Twitter’s “Tweet” trademark application for a second time. 

Apparently, the word “Tweet” has already been registered by Twittad, a third party

creditcard.jpgOrange County – Twitter co-founder and Square CEO Jack Dorsey has filed suit over the patent rights to Square, a device that Time Magazine named as one of the Top 50 Inventions in 2010.  Jim McKelvey, a glassblowing artist turned entrepreneur has joined Dorsey in the lawsuit against Robert Morley, an associate professor of electrical engineering

troll.jpgSan Diego – Social media website Twitter is being sued by VS Technologies for infringing on its “309 patent” which it describes as a “method and system for creating an interactive virtual community of famous people.”  Twitter’s micro logging site attracts users who want to follow every ‘Tweet’ by famous celebrities  such as Lady Gaga