seedling.jpgIPNews® – The United States Supreme Court will rule on the doctrine of patent exhaustion as it relates to self-replicating products.

Monsanto sued Vernon Bowman, a farmer who recreated and planted patented Roundup Ready soybean seeds he bought from Monsanto, for patent infringement.  Bowman argues that the patent exhaustion doctrine takes away any power Monsanto

seedling.jpgIPNews® – The U.S. Supreme Court said Friday that it will hear a soybean farmer’s appeal of his loss in Monsanto Co.’s patent infringement lawsuit over his planting of second-generation descendants of Monsanto’s genetically modified patented seeds.

The case will test the limits of how far patent protection extends for self-replicating technologies like seeds. In

wheat-seed.jpgIPNews® – A group representing 25% of the nation’s farmers is suing agricultural chemical manufacturer Monsanto Company in a preemptive lawsuit. 

The lawsuit follows years of patent infringement claims by Monsanto against the companies.  The farmers are not seeking any monetary damages.  Instead they are attempting to have Monsanto’s corn seed patent invalidated, claiming that