satellite-dish.jpgIPNews® – Dish Network has run into issues with use of its “Dish Anywhere” Trademark.

Dish Network’s biggest competitors filed oppositions in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board to block its newly filed Trademark Application for “Dish Anywhere.”  The companies claimed that they would be damaged by if the application were allowed to proceed to

tv setup.jpgIPNews® – Fox Broadcasting Co. lost the first round of its fight for an injunction against Dish Network Corp.’s over Dish’s AutoHop DVR.

Fox claims that Dish’s DVR services, which allow consumers to record television and then automatically skip over commercials when watching shows, constitutes copyright infringement.  Dish counters that DVRs copy television programs for

tv setup.jpgIPNews® – TiVo Inc.’s damages for Motorola Mobility Inc. and Time Warner Cable Inc.’s alleged infringement of its patented digital video recording technology could add up to billions of dollars, TiVo told a Texas court Monday.

Motorola’s massive production of infringing DVRs outclasses the number of products at issue in TiVo’s previous infringement cases against

tv_remote_control.jpgIPNews® – Hulu recently announced that it had dropped its opposition to Dish Network’s trademark application for “TV Everywhere”. 

Hulu had previously claimed the term should not be registered to Dish Network because it was commonly used by a number of other cable providers as a standard and generic industry term.  The application is also